News from
2023.08.01 - Cleanup on all links and now accepting new links again.
After being absent for many years due to other projects, I have decided to revive this site, sensing a growing interest in receiving submissions once again. I've taken the initiative to manually review almost 10,000 links, re-verifying each one on the site. Almost 80% of the old listings have been removed, as they no longer reflect the current state of affairs in 2023
2023.07.29 - Site now supports https connections.
Better late than never - We now run over a secure encrypted connection when you visit this website.
2010.10.12 - Cleanup started again - many sites deleted from indeks
This week we have again started to manual review all our submissions in the directory, and as the other rounds we can see that many sites close their website and domain. It is a long process for us and we expect this will take all week, but it is worth the time to ensure a good and smooth experience for our users. It is frustrating to find empty or dead websites when you browse a directory - both for you and us.
At the same time we are approving more and more of our old free submitted websites so we again someday can open up for the free option again.
2010.07.01 - New cleanup round again.
We are going through all submissions in these days - both with automatic tools and after that manual review. We remove all sites that have changed a lot since it was first submitted. Including dead sites and sites that changed response codes, like 301 redirects.
2010.01.18 - Regular cleanup round again. New development on the way.
All submissions are being checked these days. We manually check all sites that show sign of change since last review of the site. It means we will delete sites, adjust some and others get into pending line again if they show sign of getting back. This process is hard and tedious, but we rely on the eyes to ensure quality. We expect this will take a weeks time to complete.
We have also been working on some new development on the submission side. We will shortly release some more choices to your listings, including Addressm phone, Twitter profile, Facebook profile.
2009.07.04 - Big cleanup round again
Been through all submissions manually and removed listings that where either dead/broken or redirected to something else than the listing specifies. In the situations where the 301 redirect was valid, we have updated the listings so it points to the correct url.
This update is something we do to keep our directory fresh and valid in content.
2009.04.23 - Coupon system created
I have had a request from several submission companies if I can offer some sort of discount when multiple submissions are made.
To make a flexible system for this, I have made an AJAX based coupon system on the submission page, where % discounts can be obtained.
If you are looking for a Coupon code - contact me.
2009.02.10 - Cleanup round again
Been through all submissions manually and removed the broken sites.
2008.07.28 - New cleanup round.
It was again time to go through all sites. We have deleted 226 old sites that either had been parked or closed completely. All listings have been checked in combination with automatic tools and manual review.
Many sites also got their screenshot updated.
2008.02.02 - Giant cleanup round.
Every site has been manually reviewed again and I have deleted 149 sites that where in violation of my guidelines. (parked domains, changed to affiliate,MFA or similar or just broken links)
This was done to ensure the overall quality of the directory. It's hard work, but it is needed if you want to offer a quality directory.
2008.02.01 - Screenshot update for all sites
Every listing in my directory has been updated with fresh screenshots. One small 100x100 pixel on the category pages, and a 300x300 pixel on the detail pages.
Hope you like the update.
2007.10.19 - Cleanup round.
I have just been checking all sites again, and have removed 80 sites that have changed radical since submission, returned error codes or simply don't fit our guidelines anymore.
We do this so our users can experience good and working websites when they browse our directory. And remember if you spot any links with errors, you can easily submit an error report.
/Claus Heinrich
2007.09.25 - Free option removed to clear backlog
I no longer offer free standard submissions, as my queue have grown to 3000 sites. I need to clear this backlog first.
Problem with free directories like this, is the heavy amount of spammy websites that gets submitted, so it takes time to find the quality among that.. I continue to do daily reviews of sites and hopefully get it down to a normal amount again.
I have setup a payment option for standard submissions while I clear backlog.
/Claus Heinrich
2007.08.17 - New function - Rate the links in the directory
I thought it was time to make some new stuff for the directory, so have made a new AJAX function where visitors are able to cast their vote on every link I have in the directory. The actual voting can be done from the detailpage every link has.
I have also made a page to collect the best of the best websites from the visitors point of view. It will take some time to show the actual trend.
I will monitor the usage of the rating system - and if it develops nicely I might change they way I sort links in the directory.
Right now I sort by the alphabet, but in the future I might give the highest rated sites better placement over the lower rated.
Any problems or ideas throw me a mail :)
2007.07.02 - Back from a great vacation. Review of sites will now continue.
I will ASAP review the TopLink & Standard Express submissions made while I was away last week.
TopLink submissions will get the extra days in the other end so it matches 1 year exactly.
2007.06.23-2007.07.02 - Vacation. Out of office
I wont be in the office for the next 10 days to review sites in the directory. I will check mail from time to time and will only handle the most urgent matters.
Toplink purchases will get the extra days in the other end of their period (1 year) so noone gets cheated :)
Cya in 10 days
2007.05.29 - New URL format for the detailpages
Today a new url structure for the detail pages has been developed. This means the editors can specify a static url for every link in the system under review.
This update will add some more relevancy to the sites in our system, and I am really pleased to finally release it.
Over time I expect all the links in the system to gain the new format, but it will require manually review on all sites again. So naturally this will take a while, as new links still has to be reviewed within reasonable time :)
Any comments are welcome. Please find my email on the contact page
2007.03.19 - Latest Comments page added
I have created a page that shows the 30 latest comments made on the links I have in the system
2007.01.15 - Participating in the GlobalWarming Awareness2007 SEO Championship
I've decided to give the SEO World Championship a try with this page: GlobalWarming Awareness2007.
The contest is about ranking best in the 3 big search engines Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Information and progress can be found at my webmaster blog.
2006.12.20 - Brand new design on
I am proud to present a new design on this Directory. You might experience some glitches and such the next couple of days until I have all elements under control.
If you have any comments to the new site and design, then come to my blog and drop a comment
/Claus Heinrich
2006.12.15 - Cleanup round and new blog
I am in the progress of cleaning out a bit in the directory - sites that have changed theme, are permanently broken or are now violating the guidelines will be deleted. This is a longer process and will continue through the month. This is a tedious task, but to maintain quality, there is no way out :)
I have also launched a new webmaster blog - and many of my future update news will posted there
/Claus Heinrich
2006.11.20 - Several bugfixes and minor updates made
The list of small bugs and fixes needed is completed. Most of them are internal stuff, that noone will notice.
- Several upgrades to the databases have been made, for better preformance
- Search page has been tweaked a little bit, so it now delivers onsite Google search option, if no result can be found on this site.
- Search page also uses widescreen format, so the Left menu is now gone.
- New styles couple of places, like the Select Page buttons, if results overflow 1 page. They should now be easier to see for the eye :)
- Prices for TopLink have been adjusted a bit upward.
- and 30+ other updates :)
/Claus Heinrich
2006.08.31 - Backlog finally cleared. 1400 sites reviewed this month. Standard listing again FREE :)
Finally I came through the big backlog of sites I had. Now it is free for all to submit sites again to the directory.
Bring em on
2006.08.26 - Highlighting on search terms from the search engines on
I have made a new function that highlights the specific words you enter when searching on eg. Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. and land on this page. This will make it alot easier to spot exactly the content you are looking for.
Enjoy :)
/Claus Heinrich
2006.08.25 - Alexa out - in
Alexa have made alot of changes to their Thumbnail system, so they can track and recieve payment of $0,002 pr. preview.
I signed up for an account on their AWS system and registered for the Thumbnail usage. But to my horror, they did not support ASP/VB and could not help up any code even though I have been active in their forums.
I did make a .NET integration with C# on this page, but it forces me to make alot of inclusion of .aspx files at every listing in the system.
After a week of code wrestling, I have decided to dump Alexa for now, and return to's service.
A future to-do is to make my own thumbnail component to ASP/VB
/Claus Heinrich
2006.08.10 - New feature added: Comment field placed on every detailpage
I have added a comment field box on every detailpage in the system, so users can comment on the links showed. It can also be used by the siteowners to give some info to the users of
I don't know how this will turn out, but I will monitor every comment and make nessesary changes to the system.
/Claus Heinrich
2006.08.03 - Closed: The Free Submission option has been closed for a while
Due to a big backlog, I have decided to close the FREE FOR ALL submission option a couple of months.
I have recieved more sites daily than it is possible for me to review, and slowly the backlog has sneaken up to 1400.
It does not seem fair to be 1400 inline with no horizon on when it will be reviewed, so please accept this decision. I WILL open for free submissions again when I have reviewed the 1400 free submissions pending.
For those who unconditionally want to submit sites to the Directory, I have setup a $10 payment option on the submit link page.
Review of the paid submissions will be done within 24 hours.
All income I get on sales, will go back into development of the Directory so I can keep up the high standard.
First thing I need to improve is my hosting. I'm still looking for the best dedicated server that meets my demands.
/Claus Heinrich
2006.07.22 - Thorough Cleaning on the Directory. 6 months review finally done!
The last couple of days have been used to manually review all sites I had allready approved in the system. Generally I have been looking for sites that have been banned by Google for any reason. Generally I check all sites on normal review for things like age of domain, indexed pages, pagerank, backlinks and such.
So finding 131 listed sites in my index out of 3000 that has become banned over the last months is a big surprise to me. It is a total of 4,3% of my total listings.
They are now all banned also from my directory, and I will again in 6 months do a complete check of all sites in the directory for this or I will end as them because of bad neighbours .
/Claus Heinrich
2006.07.19 - Security updates made
I have been adding more and better security on the various forms and inputs I use on the Directory. This wont effect anything visual.
2006.07.08 - Alexa thumbnail problems
Alexa is making some upgrades to their system, but it disturbes my usage of their Thumbnails. Atm. I am not allowed to update new pictures when I review.
If this continues to long, I will be forces to find another way to show thumbs. (I used to use, but they only got dmoz listed sites).
Do you have any knowledge on Thumbs, or any other great system to use, then please contact me.
2006.07.04 - Back and ready
Queue just grew with 400 more since last I checked, at a total of 816 now. Ohh man you people are giving alot of approval work :D
Thank you for all the submissions and mails you have sent me. I am working through them all now.
I can review around 100 sites daily at my current pace, but I get 130+ new submissions daily. Looks like the queue will continue to grow and I hope you people can and will live with that. WILL remain free, and all sites submitted WILL be reviewed as soon as possible.
2006.06.30 - 2006.07.02 - 3 day vacation
I will be on a 3 day vacation, so no websites will be reviewed in this period. Cu soon
2006.06.27 - New design
I'v updated the design a bit today. I'm trying to figure out a good theme to go with the directory. Graphics and styles is not really my department - (I'm more into coding and databases).
Old design |
New design |


If you have some graphics skills and think you can help me do it even better, please contact me. I can probably payback with a good linkplacement or similar :)
2006.06.27 - Cross-browser validation
Several changes has been to the styles and buildup of the directory for the directory to be fully functional in all known browsers. now support the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer 4.xx and higher
- Mozilla/5.0 - Firefox
- Opera
If you have positive or negative experience with browsers on, please let me know
2006.06.26 - Sitestructure Upgrade
Ok, hello all. I'v just added this news page to give some information regarding the major updates I'm doing these days to the directory.
I have taken the step to upgrade my site structure, to avoid the dynamic URLs and transform them into a more categorized way. See example below.
This means the site will be a bit unstable during the day as I upgrade the last pages and make appropriate redirects. I'm sorry for the disturbance it might be for some.
This large structure change means all the Google PageRank the directory had before this change, wont show anymore. It does not mean the pages have lost their Pagerank, but they need to be updated through all Google datacenters again. This can take a little while, especially now with the bigdaddy problems Google is having.
Anyhow, this might give a short period with deindexing og loss of PR, but trust me this upgrade will be very good for all sites in the directory, in the long run
2006.06.24 - Webmaster Tools added
I have added a new section today with various usefull tools for all the webmasters who drop by this directory. I use several of them in my own review process of new websites.
Sofar I have added the following tools: