International web directory of quality family friendly sites.
Organized through a good category structure.
Updated daily to ensure fresh content through editorial review
Several submission options available. Read more under guidelines

Submit link

Submit a new website:

Please read our submission guidelines before adding a new link --�

payment options

Take a second to read about our TopLink program!

Get better link placement and traffic! See our current Toplinks here --�

Advantages of Toplink (if approved as such, requires extra high quality site):
  • You get a linkplacement on the TopLink page
  • Your link will randomly be shown on the frontpage of
  • Your link will be written in bold and placed in top of the categories where you are listed
  • Your link will be placed on the first page of the categories. (above the alphabetic sort of normal links)
  • Your link will be shown before normal listings on related internal searches

Payment goes to our editorial team
  • For checking sites thoroughly to ensure quality is in top
  • For keeping directory upto date (removing sites that changed a lot since last review, dead sites)
  • For daily maintenance / updates of software and backup of all data
Please note that payment for a quicker process, does not in any way guarantee inclusion, the target sites quality will be subject to our quality teams judgement
We use editorial discretion to ensure a high quality directory. Full refund will be issued when we decline sites.

SKIP the queue by using one of our payment options. The queue right now: 291
If you choose any of these additions to your submission, specify it in the Remarks Field below, and an editor be alerted to handle your submission

Select option:  

Standard Free Clearing backlog
Standard - max 48h review $39.90
TopLink (dofollow) - max 24h review $69.90 / year

Coupon Code:  

Website Title:  

Your E-mail:  

English Description:  

Enter a good, long and unique description for the website.
(Minimum 300 characters)

Link / URL:  


Max 10 keywords. Separate with comma. ( key1, key2, key3 )


Country (primary audience):  

Phone number: (optional)  

Address: (optional)  

Format: Streetname 22, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

Twitter: (optional)  

Insert Twitter profile URL

Facebook: (optional)  

Insert Facebook profile URL

Remarks / Comments / New Category   

Validation: 10 + 8 =  

Notice: Payment options will be shown after submission is completed